Stona Fitch - Senseless

September 3rd, 2012

This is a book review about a book I never thought I would ever read because the description on the sleeve didn’t told me how full this book is with terror, horror, torture in different ways … not just physically … but psychologically as well.

Eliott Gast is an american Business specialist and he is in Belgium at one meeting. After one Dinner with working partners of his company he is working for called IBIS he got kidnapped and trapped into one white and clean appartement. At the beginning of this novel that is absolutely disturbing … Eliott Gast is just tortured by psychological stuff. He was trapped and kidnapped and had no connection to the world outside of the appartement – he thought.

On one day the physical torture started and his kidnappers tell him that he got full video cover for the Internet. His “torture show” has a lot of viewers and those people wouldn’t love to finish the torture. They like to watch on and on. The Majority wants it. So, Eliott Gast’s destiny is dependent on the perverted viewers votes of this torture show on the internet.

Eliott Gast loses everything except the wish for life.

I personally read a lot of disturbing stuff in my life. But this book was just a way too heavy for me. Pardon me, I was anyhow entertained by the writing style and the compact messages about the perverted lust for sensation in this society. It was shockingly amazing how smart Fitch wrote this novel in less than 200 pages. I can suggest you to read this book if you got stronger nerves than me. I am very happy I read that book in the morning and not in the night.

More info bout Stona Fitch:

abgelegt unter: Egozentrum, Literatur



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