Tilman Spreckelsen - Der Mordbrand on Œrnolfsdalur und andere Isländer Sagas

August 17th, 2012

There is never something wrong in reading a book that has extremely beautiful illustrations and 6 traditional recited stories from Islandic legends. Never. I lately read this book that was released in 2011 at the Publishing House Galiani Berlin. Those 6 stories are classical legends from Island. Spreckelsen recites them and he added some written images of the places where those stories took place from last year. It was a really fluffy, fast, shortlasting and sometimes amusing reading in legends that are filled with full tragic and a lot of murder, love, warmangering, bloodlust, robbery, etc. pp. You know … I liked the book a lot. I found it at my sisters place. She said … “the most undervalued book in our appartement … it was lying under the DVD Player. I changed that … and read it. Kat Menschik is probably known by some of you. She did the illustrations of the brillant book Die Nixen von England by Enn Vetemaa in the German edition released at Eichborn.

Check the book out if you like Sagas, traditional legends, Northern Mythology and all those stuff. AND if you want to be entertained in less then 200 pages. Me, for my part, I don’t need to read books that are longer than 300 pages. I have to love them that I do this with need.

Kat Menschik

Tilman Spreckelsen

abgelegt unter: Mythen, Märchen und Legenden, Literatur



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